Create Meaningful Culture

At Podcasting and Platforms, we help you turn your passions into podcasts that build relationships. 

We tackle three problems on the show: 
1. The struggle to get to episode one 
2. How to get past the 9-month slump once you've started.
3. The overthinking and loneliness of content creation. 

We solve it by exploring the tools, techniques, and strategies you need to craft compelling shows that create meaningful culture around your niche by changing the metric of podcasting success from downloads into the number of relationships created by your content. 

Chris Spangle has been podcasting since 2007 and has hosted over 3,200 hours of shows while editing and uploading 20,000 episodes for 52 million downloads on dozens of shows and counting. With his unparalleled experience, he takes you behind the curtain of content creation on your platform with a podcast as its anchor. 

About Chris Spangle

Founder Chris Spangle's love affair with audio began on a Halloween afternoon in 1992, captivated by the enthralling "War of The Worlds" broadcast. This enchantment with sound led him down paths of immense growth, discovery, and innovation in podcasting. 

With over 3,200 hours of hosting experience, Chris's journey from an avid radio listener to the founder of transformative podcasts is a testament to the power of passion. His belief? Podcasts go beyond pure entertainment—it's an intimate bond between the broadcaster and listener, making it an unparalleled medium for connection.

Chris Spangle began podcasting in 2007 as the producer of Abdul in the Morning on Newstalk 1430 WXNT, which led him to start his successful podcast called We Are Libertarians in 2012, which led to more than 5 million downloads, over 20 shows with hundreds of hosts, a magazine, a website, and a large presence on social media. The show is now called The Chris Spangle Show on the We Are Libertarians Podcast Network. This experience helped him secure his dream job as the Digital Director of the BOB & TOM Show in 2013, where he continues to get an excellent education in content production, lighting, audio and video production, video streaming, and marketing. There, he met Ms. Pat, and in 2019, along with Deon Curry, they launched the Patdown Podcast, which has garnered over seven million downloads total with a thriving community. This led to Chris Spangle being featured on "Ms. Pat Settles It," a television show on BET. Overall, he has edited and uploaded over 20,000 episodes bringing more than 52 million downloads and counting. 

Chris is married with two children and resides in Indianapolis, IN. 

See all of his projects at


Kelly Young

Host of the Badassery Life Podcast

"Chris Spangle is incredibly smart, strategic, and creative when it comes to producing and creating podcasts. He has a deep knowledge about podcasts and has a passion for sharing his expertise with others.

From strategy to promotion, production to editing, and everything in between, Chris knows it all. If you’re looking for a consultant who can help you through every phase of a podcast, call Chris. Each time I’ve worked with him he has surpassed my expectations"

Brian Nichols

Host of the Brian Nichols Show

"Over 4 years ago, I started off looking to turn a successful writing career into a professional podcasting medium. I had a basic understanding of what needed to be done, I didn't have any fundamental understanding of how to actually accomplish it.

Chris Spangle not only helped me set up my podcast platform, but literally helped me from beginning to end in terms of preparing artwork, hosting platforms, audio editing suggestions, and more. Since then, I've been able to build a podcast averaging around 20,000 downloads per month and I know that none of it would have been possible without support and guidance of Chris."