May 10, 2023

The Art of Engaging Podcasts: Characters, Direction, and Community

In this episode, we address a question from Alan Cogan about finding a clear direction for your podcast. Alan shares his struggle with focusing on the quality of the look and sound of his podcast, but not the content itself. We discuss the importance of understanding your voice, serving your audience, and engaging with your community to create a successful podcast.

In this episode, we address a question from Alan Cogan about finding a clear direction for your podcast. Alan shares his struggle with focusing on the quality of the look and sound of his podcast, but not the content itself. We discuss the importance of understanding your voice, serving your audience, and engaging with your community to create a successful podcast.

How can you find your clear direction? By practicing, constantly surveying your audience, staying true to your purpose, and networking within your niche community. Remember, your podcast is more like writing a book than hosting a talk radio show. Focus on the content and the value you can bring to your listeners.

Tune in to hear more about how I found his voice, built communities through podcasting, and the lessons I learned throughout his journey.

Transcript -

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